Classwar Karaoke – 0015 Survey

Classwar Karaoke – 0015 Survey
Classwar karaoke is a collective and netlabel operated by Adrian Beetjes, Anthony Donovan and Jaan Patterson. Founded in 2008, Classwar Karaoke is a label dedicated to the release of experimental music and short-films; principally, by means of a series of ongoing quarterly surveys, made available via sites such as internet archive, myspace, disclogs, youtube, lastfm, facebook, sonic squirrel, reverbnation, soundcloud etc., under Creative Commons license 3.0 All material remains the property of the respective artists and is offered for free download in line with this license. The twelve surveys published so far feature over one-hundred artists, from all over the world; and the material in toto represents significant documentation of the experimental scene itself. Involvement in the project has helped spawn many fruitful collaborations, live-shows and a vibrant exchange of ideas; so much so that, for several repeat-participants, Classwar Karaoke is as much a collective as it is a mechanism for the release of new material.
6 or 7 | Ampersand and Zolan Quobble | Anton Mobin Deadzoo Murmurists | Astrometria | Ayato and Naoki Ishida | Bob Ostertag, Otomo Yoshihide and Justin Bond | Bolide | Bonnie MacAllister | Cagey House and Wolfseule | Captain Comedown | Caroline Ono | Chevo Légé | Chris Lynn | Cloud Cloud | Collectif Sin | Crash Duo | Daniel Spicer | Donovan.Montag.Pearson | Gurdonark | Igor’s Roomy Lab Coat | Jaap Blonk | Jochen Arbeit | John Hyatt and Tom Hyatt | Justin Wiggan | Kalistongue | La Main Traumatique | Lezet | MaCu | Mamabaer-Kommissar Hjuler | Megatory and Sound Inhaler | Michael Giles Mad Band with Keith Tippet | MitGas | Mulinex | Murmurists | MUTATE | Noise Research vs Fonik | One Minute Wanda | Otto von Rhinau | Øystein Jørgensen | Pixyblink | Richard Lainhart | Robert L. Pepper and Brett Zweiman | Ronny Wærnes | Stormhat | Supersoft (14-18) | Syrinx | The Thud Experiment | Thomas Fernier | Thomas Zunk | UseOtherDoor | Vultures Quartet | Zilmrah | Zreen Toyz