KHEOSTATIC part I – Universal Transfusion

Joséphine Muller & Ian Linter at La Société de Curiosités.
KHEOSTATIC is an improvised play with a total duration of about three hours trying in an encyclopaedic way to make a sound transcription of several elements which constitute the human reality, in its language, intellectuality and action. In the first part, now published, the human perception was condensed in sound signals of the avant-garde, concrete and electroacoustic, through the recourse to an immediate and proto-metaphysical language, in narrow correlation with the possible conceptuality of the matter and its relations with the spirit. The three KHEOSTATIC‘s parts will be live recorded at La Société de Curiosités, Paris.
(ordinateur x2, sampleur, guitare électrique, guitare acoustique, basse électrique, percurssions, Casio SA-5, K7, radio transistors, objets)
I – Universal Transfusion : 13 Nov 2009
II – Human Khaos : 4 Dec 2009
III – Abyssal Force : 18 Dec 2009